VAHLE on sacred paths

VAHLE electrifies pilgrim train in Aparecida in Brazil. Almost eight million pilgrims come here every year.
October 12 is the national holiday "Nossa Senhora Aparecida" in Brazil.
Since 1980, Brazilians have commemorated their country's patron saint, St. Nossa Senhora Aparecida.
Since Mary's apparition in 1717, the city of Aparecida has been the most important pilgrimage site in Brazil, if not the largest pilgrimage site in the world. Almost eight million pilgrims come here every year.
VAHLE electrifies pilgrimage train in Aparecida in Brazil. Almost eight million pilgrims come here every year.
Of course, these have to be moved and since the distances in Aparecida are enormous, there has been an electric pilgrim train since this year. This runs on a distance of about 1,400 meters for about 15 minutes through the Brazilian hinterland and is electrified by a U25 conductor system made by VAHLE.
We are happy to be part of something above ground :)
A short historical excursion
In 1717, three fishermen in Aparecida del Norte made a valuable catch: they fished a 36 cm tall figure of the Virgin Mary with their nets from the Paraiba River, which is located near the town of Guaratingueta.
This laid the foundation for pilgrimages and pilgrimages to this small community in São Paulo, and later a basilica was dedicated to Our Lady to mark the occasion.
Our Lady's national shrine, the Cathedral of Nossa Senhora Aparecida, is located about halfway between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, directly on the highway.
The huge building has room for 45,000 people and, the Brazilians assure us, is the second largest cathedral after St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.